游戏语言:仅支持英文 《安眠(Sleep Tight)》是一款快节奏街机风格的动作类游戏,包含了基地建设元素,而该作的画面十分的精致清新,玩家们将需要在白天努力建造枕头堡垒,用来对抗夜晚袭击...
Christopher, Lampola, Lauri, and Jonathan Cedernaes. "Exposure to a more unhealthy diet impacts sleep microstructure during normal sleep and recovery sleep: A randomized tr...
不要醒着躺在床上 It's a golden rule in sleep medicine, backed by 'decades of data,' Grandner said. In fact, he said this tip is so powerful that when used in his sleep clin...
英文中回笼觉是unprotected sleep,字面上理解是无保护的睡眠,指的是冒着耽误工作、上课或办事的风险关掉闹钟继续睡觉。 It is necessary for someone to have an unprotected sleep aft...
译题一:Do You Have A Strange Sleep Habit? Do you have a strange sleep habit? Perhaps you like to eat cheese right before bed, sleep with all the lights on, or put a pillow beneath your feet instead of your head? There's a reason for my asking this ...
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